
Times of Change: 2017 Outlook

The immortal words of Bob Dylan rang true in 2016 more than any recent year in memory: The Times They Are a Changin'. Though we covered a number of trends in our 2016 Outlook that persisted over the year, we have to admit that this year's biggest shake-ups blindsided us. Trump, Brexit, Barclays POINT...what can we learn from the market events that surprised us most? Perhaps the lesson is that nothing is ever certain, but we'll do our best here to derive some wisdom from the tumultuous year and apply it to our industry as we head into 2017.

Download "Times of Change: A Look Back and a Look Ahead at the Biggest Trends in Asset Management Tech and Ops" to get our 2016 recap and 2017 outlook on:

  • How the political landscape is impacting asset managers
  • The latest FinTech developments
  • Why data is the biggest story in investment management this year
  • Where we are seeing the biggest investments in tech and ops
  • What Barclays POINT has taught us about risk management

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