Operations Practice
Leverage the industry’s most experienced consulting team to transform your operating model.

Fuel future growth with deep subject matter expertise.
As your business evolves, integrated data, accurate accounting, and efficient workflows are critical to supporting your growth. Drawing upon decades of operational experience, we’ll help you think strategically about your operating model and support change programs of any scope.

Transaction Management
Design a seamless, end-to-end solution to address your trade confirmation and settlement challenges, all while mitigating settlement risk and benefiting from better oversight, improved communications, and quicker processing.

Put timely, accurate, and complete positions record-keeping data into the hands of those who need it. We’ll help you design and implement an IBOR to capture intraday positions across asset classes with a golden copy record of your data.

Investment Accounting
Deploy flexible and function-rich accounting systems to handle sophisticated investments and meet evolving regulatory demands. We’ll help transform your technology with a multi-currency accounting solution customized to support your unique needs.

Asset Servicing
Identify and transition to a third party asset servicing organization who has the technology capable of evolving with your investment strategy and the service to maintain a seamless operation. We’ll help you determine the best service provider for your unique business and transition to a partner who will act as an extension of your team.

Performance Measurement
Accurately calculate your returns, performance attribution, composites, and risk by identifying and evaluating the performance measurement systems best suited to your unique investment and analysis strategy. Empower your organization with the tools they need to make informed investment decisions across all asset classes.

Fund Administration
Outsource your fund administration with confidence. Leverage our experience evaluating and seamlessly transitioning countless investment managers of every size and fund structure to fund administrators that are the right fit for each business and operating model

Client Communications
Keep up with evolving client demands with a modern client communications program—from the provision of timely and accurate data, to the design of fit-for-purpose client reports, to establishing automated, exception-based workflows.
Discover why experience matters in driving successful transformations across investments, operations, distribution, and data.
Client stories

We have the expertise and track record to design and deliver projects of any scope.
Discuss your needs with an expert and discover how we can help.