Industry News

Citisoft's Alex Marangoni Discusses Innovation with Markets Media

Citisoft's Alex Marangoni recently discussed the role of innovation in the front office with Markets Media and in collaboration with Anders Kirkeby, Head of Open Innovation at SimCorp. On the topic of striking the right balance between innovation and standardization, Alex weighs in:

"Though challenging, it is possible for sophisticated and innovative strategies to be deployed within a standardized operational framework where costs are reduced, operational risks contained, and regulatory requirements fully met.

Simplification of managers' technical architecture and deployment of a technology stack that allows easy integration across applications is a necessary foundation for standardization across both the technology and operations groups. Further, applications that can support requirements via configurations (or pre-built integrations that allow for plug-and-play) make it easier to scale assets under management without seeing a proportional increase in operating costs."

For the full Q&A, read the full article here.

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