
Operations and Technology in a Post-Pandemic World

For many asset managers, the fallout from COVID-19 has pushed the operating model to its limits. Through the extraordinary market volatility in March 2020, asset managers grappled with operational risk, poor data integration, and bandwidth shortage. In the weeks following workplace lockdowns, managers that operated on-premise, installed software were forced to maintain many of these systems in the office. As we emerge from the immediate aftermath of pandemic shutdowns, asset managers must ask: What is the normal we should go back to? And how can we modernize our operations during an economic downturn?

Download the paper by filling out the form on the right to get our take on:

  • How asset managers, vendors, and service providers dealt with the immediate aftermath of pandemic shutdowns and volatility
  • What successful firms did right to maintain uninterrupted operations
  • How service providers helped firms navigate the pandemic crisis and scale operations
  • Lessons from previous recessions on how asset managers emerged ahead and grew AUM
  • Changing attitudes on remote work and office real estate
  • Defining value proposition and designing a digital operating model that is aligned with business goals


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