
Roundtable Discussion: Driving ESG Agendas with Data

Citisoft and Carruthers & Jackson, a global data consultancy, recently held an industry roundtable in London, attended by over two dozen operational and technical leaders across the UK asset management industry, service providers and technology firms.

The topic of discussion‚ driving ESG agendas with data‚ was recognized by the all the participants as a key challenge they are trying to address. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is on everyone's agenda. Requirements for disclosure and reporting, a lack of consensus on what ESG means for the investment industry, and the difficulty in proving that action was or was not taken in the name of ESG principles remain major sticking points for asset managers. A gap between the noble intentions of ESG and the practicalities of industrializing an ESG investment process persists.

Download the report by filling out the form on the right to get our take on:

  • Key challenges for operational leaders
  • Monetizing ESG
  • Evolving ESG regulations and proving compliance
  • Who is responsible for the accuracy of ESG data
  • ESG data challenges and best practices
  • ESG target operating model and system landscape 
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