
Session Report: Investment Data Management in 2023

In April 2023, we participated in an industry roundtable in Copenhagen, attended by over a dozen senior operational leaders across Nordic pension, insurance and asset management firms. The topic of discussion‚ how to stop infrastructure inefficiency eating into profit margins in a world of constant change‚ was recognized by all the participants as the key data challenge they are trying to address today.

Increasing volumes and complexity of data combined with fewer resources and a more cost-conscious mentality has made it difficult to safeguard data quality and provide fully integrated workflows that enable revenue growth. The manual workarounds and the need to manage duplicated data held in multiple data stores are hindering the ability to take full advantage of new market opportunities and initiatives contributing to post-pandemic returns.

Download the report by filling out the form on the right to get our take on:

  • Key challenges for operational leaders

  • System-first to data-driven approaches

  • Cloud's role in the future of technology

  • Simplification of operating models

  • ESG and how it correlates to broader data challenges

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