Industry News

Steve Young Discusses Client Communication Differentiators

simcorp.jpgCitisoft's Steve Young recently penned an article on the increasing needs in client communications and reporting for SimCorp's Journal of Applied IT in Investment Management.

The business environment for asset managers is likely to change considerably. Clients are becoming more demanding, while the digital age is creating the opportunity to transform business models, introducing greater interaction and empowerment. We are already seeing more sophisticated data and content requests which will likely intensify. Investment managers must be prepared to meet these demands quickly and efficiently.

Steve comments, "Clients expect to be able to review key data in a real-time, or at worst near-time, experience and be able to raise bespoke queries concerning their portfolios as required. Delivering this modern client communications function to clients requires a different approach regarding the people, processes, and the technology that underpins it."

For more insight on how firms can maintain a competitive edge with their client communications, read the full article.

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