Industry News

Tom Secaur Weighs In on Front Office Tech Trends

Citisoft's Tom Secaur was recently featured in an article on Ignites discussing a recent shift towards consolidation in asset managers' front office tech. As firms look to increase efficiency and data quality, simplifying infrastructures in the front office promises to improve communication between ops and the front office, which in turn could lead to higher returns.

Tom warns that although there are long-term benefits of tidying up tech in the front office, there are challenges to getting there. "Good luck telling your star PM that he or she can't have a particular tool. Streamlining data and trying to be more efficient and going down the digital path is certainly worthwhile for the industry, but at the same time you don't want to take a step back in functionality."

For more industry insight on consolidating systems and processes in the front office, read the full article.

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