
Barclays POINT User Survey Results

Find out how the fixed income industry is reacting to the planned retirement of Barclays POINT.

After analyzing the survey results, one thing is clear: asset managers who use POINT were blindsided by the planned retirement of the platform with a short timeframe of just 18 months.

Some key findings include:

  • The majority of respondents view the transaction and retirement of POINT as negative to them and the industry.
  • Respondents cited a number of concerns: unknown pricing, lack of communication, short timeframe, quality issues in PORT, access to historical information, uncertainty over how migrations will occur, and limitations in PORT functionality.
  • 92% of respondents use POINT for risk analytics, but 50% do not believe that PORT supports the risk analytics function.
  • 80% of firms plan to initiate a search and selection and 70% of firms plan to do so immediately.

To read more, download the full survey results by filling out the form on the right.

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